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Tuesday, October 13, 2015


No idea if I'm going to keep this thing going at all, or if I'll post once or twice and then never again.  Either way, I figured I'd create this blog and give it a try.

For anyone reading this who doesn't know me, my name is Joseph Marmerstein.  I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in 2015, and am now a Ph.D. student at Case Western Reserve University.  I started playing organized ultimate when I came to WashU, though I had thrown a disc before (in high school).  Quickly fell in love with the game and... here we are.

I captained the WashU men's team for two years, and during my senior year we made an awesome run at regionals, taking half on Texas TUFF in the game to go before losing 11-7.  I've also played for a number of club teams over the last few years (Lake Effect, Smokestack, Castle, and, most recently, Temper).

Right now, my plan for this blog is to be writing pretty much exclusively about ultimate.  I'll probably be writing some things that are very specific/situational, but also some things that are more general and relate other things I've been reading to the game of ultimate. Additionally, some of my posts will likely be geared more towards newer players, while others will probably be more useful for veterans of the game (though hopefully all of the posts will be interesting to you, regardless of your experience with ultimate). Hope you all enjoy the posts, if there's something you'd want me to write about feel free to comment on one of the posts or email me at

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